stone age facts by lg

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    Living in stone age

The stone age people are one of the earliest humans. In Scotland there are still some stone age houses obviously there was no electric . They had big brains and small bodies. 10 ,000 years ago humans began to grow crops of wheat and other grains to eat, and keep animals for there milk and meat. They covered their caves in paintings, they made different colours of red, orange and yellow by mixing clay and minerals with either cave water, animal fats, vegtable fats, blood or urine to make black they use charcoal.Stone age isn’t the only period of time there was lots more like iron age, ice age and the bronze age.The cold climate during the ice age made clothing essential. Hunter gatherers may have stayed in caves but probably not for long.

Early humans may have used art as a way of helping themselves in their struggle for survival. Stone age people eat raw meat and sometimes they use charcoal to cook also men and boys find food and girls and woman pick berries and go fishing. The stone age was a time in history when early humans used tools and weapons made out of stone. Between 7 and 6 million years ago , a group of apes began to walk on two legs.


It was the latest from when the first stone tools were made, by OUR ancestors, about 3.4 million years ago until, the introduction of metal tools a few thousand years ago. The stone age was 20,000 years ago.

HF stoneage facts

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Stone age people  used animal fur for  cover and clothes.  The stone age was 20,000 years ago. They lived in caves which you wouldn’t today. The stone age people ate animals that they hunted. In the stone age they did,not have electric. Stone age did not have toys. The stones age hate to eat fish. The stone age people had long noses it is because to keep them warm. Stone age  had fire instead.They hunted animals for clothes too.


JH stone age story

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 Chapter 1

One adventurous day Chase ran  off to the scary forest. In there was lots of trees and bushes . Chase was walking around but just then there was a jagged rock. On the floor Chase tripped and felt himself plummeting down down DOWN when he woke up wailed. Outside he saw a girl. They stared at each other  in confusion. Chase walked up to the girl  but they didn’t talk the same language but she told her name was Om and he told his name was Chase then Om took Chase to the camp where her family lived. When Chase got there they gave him some delicious soup and fell in a deep sleep. Om woke up Chase when it was morning at the camp. Everyone had some.  Then Om and Chase went to a fast river and look at some fisherman they had some long  spears that were shaped as daggers .

Chapter 2    

A boy ran up shouting.  As quick as lightning everyone  grabbed their spears and ran off and  stared up behind a bush. Then whoosh went their spears through the majestically running rein deer and caught him by the side and marched home happily. Then they went to sleep. Chase was feeling happy in the camp then Om led Chase into a gigantic cave. Then they went in and “wow” said Chase.  The cave painting danced around Om and Chase .Then Chase saw some thing lurking in the shadow.  A bear a big and fierce one, Chase screamed in terror and felt him self plummeting down down down! When Chase woke up, he felt different he was home. When he told family about what had happen they just laughed. Then a few years later Chase became an archaeologist because Chase was desperate to find proof that Om was real. was it a dream maybe maybe not. …



rw stone age facts

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Stone Age Facts

They lived for more than 20,000 years ago in the stone age. And did you know they rubbed stone and flint to make fire? They used to get their kids to hunt animals. They didn’t speak the same language. most people lived in a cave. And they did not have any money and some had to lived in the woods  They had to go for a toilet behind a tree. And they had sharp spears. And did you know they  killed their friends  for food? 


 And some times they stayed a wake for 24 hours ! They made tools and could make fires. And the woolly mammoth lived 10,000 years ago. And did not have horses and eat fish for food and eat brains and especially meat. And they ate berries and seeds. And kill lots of friends and animals for food.  They also ate spiders. The children had to play with stones.

They painted people holding their spears. After 2 years they look like they washed there face with mud.The stone age was a time of thousands of years ago when they lived in a cave.




LJ Stone Age facts

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What was the stone age?

The stone age lasted for 2.5 million years. The stone age was divided into three stages the early stone age, the middle stone age and the late stone age there were 2 different early periods as well the bronze age and the iron age. During the stone age, people had a hard lifetime because there were no electric or video games or stores that you can just go to and buy food they actually hat to chase animals around all day getting their meat inside their bodies.

What did they eat?

In the stone age they had to hunt animals for food for example they didn’t have super markets. Stone age people ate the inside of animals because it was their only choice even if they were still hungry after eating the animal they would cut open it’s stomach and eat it’s last meal! In the stone age they were hunter gatherers an other name for hunters but the woman picked berries and did all the easy stuff though.

What type of tools did they have? 

During the stone age they didn’t have metal for tools they had to use stone wood and bone to make tools, that’s why we call it the stone age. In the stone age the tools were hard to hunt with but as they got older it got easier like things in life do but as you get too old it gets even harder. Their tools were more different than you would see weapons now because the stone  age started over 1 million years ago. 

[ Hunting

During the ice age, they learned to hunt the huge animals such as woolly mammoths it wasn’t easy but it was their only choice because if they didn’t hunt the humungous animals they would die in a matter of seconds! The big game hunters were the people who hunted the animals that were the most hardest to hunt as it goes with the name big game hunters. They even hunted for the cubs [ children ] it sounds cruel when it actually is because no little animal wants to be killed and  all animals are edible you know! All animals in the stone age are endangered but if you are in the stone age and you want a pet such as a cat please don’t kill it for food because all animals are officially endangered. Did you know that the last woolly mammoth died out 3,700 years ago around then Southampton wasn’t called Southampton.

Skara Brae  

Skara Brae is on the coast of Orkney which is in Scotland. Skara Brae was discovered in the 1850’s by a storm which swept of the grass which had hidden it they discovered the eight houses were built around 5000 years ago. Around the time when people lived in the houses of Skara Brae that was the time when the stone age got better but everything is made out of stone there. The beds were built into the walls of the houses and the door was made out of stone slabs. The doors could also lock right in that probably a 19 year old boy can’t open it!

ch stone age facts

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Early humans may have used art as a way of helping themselves in their struggle They covered their caves in paintings, they made different colours of red, orange and yellow by mixing clay and minerals with either cave water, animal fats, vegtable fats, blood or urine to make black they use charcoal. The stone age people are one the earliest humans in Scotland there are still some stone age houses obviously there was no electricfor survival. Hunter gatherers may have stayed in caves but probably not of stayed for long.

The Stone age was a time in history when early humans used tools and weapons made of stone. Between 7 and 6 million years ago a group of apes began to walk on 2 legs.


Stone Age people made their own music with sticks.



ba stone age story

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Om took Brooke to a enormous cave. In the flickering  lights of the flames the cave painting animals danced around Om and Brooke . Brooke sees something lurking through the shadows. A bear! A fierce and smelly bear. Om and Brooke walked out the cave . Brooke screamed in terror . Ar! Brooke felt  her self tumble down down  down.

When Brooke just woke up she was in the gloomy cave. When Brooke came out of the cave she  felt  different . The air felt different to her when Brooke  got home she told her family about  her adventure. Brooke became an archaeologist.

sc stone age facts

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Stone age people lived 20 000 years ago. To keep them warm they lit a fire. For their clothes they wore animals skin. They lived in small huts and caves. They ate animals skin which is disgusting. They made toys out of wood. On the walls they did cave paintings. They washed by a river . They made weapons out of sharp flint and wood .People gathered nuts fruits and dug up roots. The stone age lasted a very long time indeed. It is called the stone age because there tools are made out of stone .Later they used bows and arrows and spears tipped fur or bone. They didn’t have sweets .They went for walks in the rain.



NK stone age facts

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 Stone age super fun facts for kids

Stone age is a time set millions of years ago before us. People would look different to us and will speak a different language to all of us. Most people will be very,very have bigger brains and quite stinky.  There where no toilets so they went behind a tree or a  bush{ha ha ha}.  All  people  were  freezing in winter. People didn’t have nice things like ice-cream, smoothies and lovey cake. . Everyone dislikes dead animal bits. Stonehenge is about 8,0000 years old. The cave painting’s are made by animal wee, animal fat and food fat even though it is disgusting! Woolly mammoths weigh 10,0000 lbs. (just a guess) people ate  nuts, animals and themes which is theory surprising.They have no fun stuff like video games. 

RL stone age facts

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Stone age people lived 30 000 or 40 000 of years  ago . The animals skin was used for tents and fluffy coat. The killed reindeers  and some times the stone age people washed them selves. Even the tigers got caught and lions too.  Sometimes the people had fish for tea .The stone age children was the youngest in the stone age.Some peope eat other people if they was starving .Stone age peopie did not no idea about time and interestingly they tamed animals to have as pets. They went in the gloomy and damp also dark forest and woods to look for food . Some people and modern time people can not under stand stone age people. .They didn’t just live in tents they  also lived in caves and under ground homes and bushes and can make tools to defend them selves but the can break easily but the  in the middle of the stone age they made stronger tents to keep warm to survive the winter and made stone and wood and eat more food. Some times the grownups go to bed the same time as the babies to love and care for them .Then the early humans they lived 2 million years ago .THEN they ran a way to a different country to live the rest of the stone age.  They survived  with flint spears and grass stones and can make stone tools. They didn’t have metal toys and lights in the stone age and some stuff like that and didn’t make china. They made fires and ate and meat and caught sabre tooth tigers.  They  captured harmless animas that couldn’t get away. They couldn’t bite the stone age men and women. They used their skin, meat and also blood using 2 kinds of poison. it is a stone age life would be fine for a stone age it would not be fine for a modern time because they would not understand .

Some people ate mice,  ocelots, big and small animals  and  some  go back in time to spy on the real stone age men and women and drank some blood and poisonous water. The didn’t sleep  in the poisonous water and the woolly mammoth were out a lot of years ago and they didn’t eat dirt or flint or stones and they can eat when ever they need to. Some didn’t like the food they hade been given and attacked the squids and sharks.and they did not give up. Interestingly the food they ate they wostit but they like making and creating .and they hade to eat saber- tooth  tiger the mater a faket and they eat at moninig noon and night they didont have ps4 or stuff like taye and it can menan if a stone age man it wot be good . They would stay in the stone age and they love killing eating and fiting it wouldd mean stone age men like killing harmless animals. It could poison a man if he eat poisonous  berrys it wood have  a bad life.  They need the skin from woolly mammoth to survive.