Tag Archives: careers

Careers Fayre

Posted by Anna O'Sullivan in Orange Class, Turquoise Class, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Wow!! We are so lucky here at Redbridge Primary School to have had 14 volunteers come in and share their job roles with us as part of our very first careers farye.

Volunteers came in with pictures, props and real working examples of what their jobs entailed. The children were able to ask about the pros and cons of the jobs, how they trained and what qualifications and personal attributes they needed.

A BIG thank you everyone who came in 🙂

John explains radiation.

John explains radiation! A real life Phyiscist!


Peter shows the children how a knot can save a life in the mountains.

Jane showed us all the work that goes behind making maps.

Jane showed us all the work that goes behind making maps.

Southampton University reaseach department.

Southampton University reaseach department.


Doug explains the complexities of web design.

Doug explains the complexities of web design.



Vince makes magic with a green screen and a camera.


Taekwondo champion, Chloe, showed us how you train.


Army Medics explained the importance of measuring blood pressure.


Our future local bobby?


Emma shared the qualities needed to run a successful business.


Simon shared how he started his own business.


Viv explains how much work goes into making a dress.


The children learn about being the police cadets.


How to be an Army Medic…