Tag Archives: ston pxu

BLS Stone Age Story

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chapter 1 story began

 One sunny day a boy called Brandon was sprinting fro the woods and THEN HE TRIPPED UP AND WENT  BACK IN TIME! “WOW THIS IS AWSOME”.  When he woke up and went to the centre of the cave then he saw a girl called Om she was weird.The next day Om and me was lurking in the woods we found a cave it was big as 20 mammoths went in and we made a touch we saw some thing it was strange “mm” When it was 9:00  Brandon said ” Oh no its past my BED TIME!” When it was day time Om took him to a colossal cave and be for we went in we got two flint stones together to make a torch.



We went in the cave and saw some cave paintings. When Om was drawing Brandon saw some thing in the left side of the cave IT WAS A BEAR A TOXIC BEAR BRANDON SCREAMED AS LOUD AS HE CAN!  “AHHHHHHHHH” SAID BRANDON Om said “LOL”!





Chapter 3 Going back home

HE FELL DOWN! when he woke up “the air is different I feel different” BRANDON WAS BACK HOME! when he got home he told his family.